Executive Coaching
Coaching New Leaders
Coaching Tech Managers
Team Coaching
Peak Performance Briefings
Resolving Conflict
Who We Work With







Who We Work With 

We work with both senior executives and middle managers to help them focus on techniques to increase their success in their current role, and prepare for the next level. As a result, our clients overcome “challenges” more easily. We do this through coaching them individually and by working with their teams as consultants.

While our clients often come from highly technical roles in many industries and functions, they have one thing in common: they are dissatisfied with their current level of success and know that they and their organization can do better.

If you're like many of our clients, you may be facing one of these challenges:

You’re a functional expert (proficient in Sales, Marketing, Finance, IT, etc.) where you relied on your technical capabilities to drive your success. As you move into leadership positions, those capabilities no longer carry you further.

You’re no longer an individual contributor and now need to get work done through others. You need to build a team but your comfort is in doing it all yourself.

You were promoted or hired, want to succeed in your new role, and need some support to stretch into the role.

You may be in a position where you need to influence people more than before and you find yourself frustrated because the usual techniques don’t get the results expected. Formal power doesn’t exist or work any longer.

You drifted into a leadership role, feel mismatched or unprepared.

You attained a certain level of success as a Manager or Executive and believe you are at a plateau.

Why Clients Work With Us

Our clients come to us for many reasons, but most because they want to be more successful in overcoming challenges. Some clients come to coaching because they are technologically talented but not as well developed in interpersonal skills. Some don’t communicate well with their people or have difficulty “empowering” them, getting them engaged and productive. Others come to coaching because they need to move to a less directive leadership style. Others still find leading at the top to be lonely and find benefit in a sounding board for their strategies or in preparing for those difficult conversations.

Is Executive Coaching for you?

We find that the clients who succeed the most have these tendencies:

They have aspirations that motivate them and are committed to work to make it happen.

They are willing to be brutally honest with themselves and the coach, even when it’s uncomfortable.

They realize that if they want different results they need to do things differently.

They are willing to see how they contribute to a situation and are open to choosing an alternate response.

They are open to learning a better way – often coming from within themselves.

Basically, if you don’t have these characteristics you probably won’t reach your goal with coaching. Anything important is worth working towards. You need to be committed to your goal – and to doing the work required to get there.

To rephrase a bit folk humor:

How many coaches does it take to change a light bulb?
One, if the light bulb WANTS to change.

The same applies to successful clients. We can provide some tools and steps; however the client supplies the motivation to do the work.

Clients won’t be successful with us if they:

Complain about their current situation but are not motivated to change

Feel forced into coaching without seeing the reason themselves

Don't choose to be honest with themselves and the coach

Lack the commitment of time, money, and follow through with actions

We’re about coaching for excellence and not about coaching for mediocrity. If you have that inspiration for another level of success and want additional tools for new challenges, we can help.

If you would like to explore more of the value of Executive Coaching for you and your executive team, give us a call at 410-499-0516 to schedule your personal introductory session.



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Catalyst Performance Systems  
   Phone: 410-499-0516

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