TriMetrix Talent Matching
360-Degree Feedback
Career Planning
Internet Delivery Service
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Using Assessments
Talent Assessments
Behavioral Style
Values Motivators
Team Development
Job & Talent Insights
Talent Skills Inventory
Sales Ability





If The Job Could Talk What Would It Tell Us?


It would tell us:

What attributes are required for superior performance,

What internal motivators the job rewards, and

What behaviors are necessary for success

Businesses everywhere are seeking better ways to secure the talent necessary to their success. Jobs and the specific talents of the people who fill them are the unique building blocks of a company's success. But what talents does a "job" require for excellent performance? Only the JOB has the answer, so let the "job talk" and listen carefully. The revolutionary TriMetrix™ System enables businesses to benchmark jobs and assess the talents they require for maximum performance. The process can be applied and reapplied to any job, anytime in a constantly changing business environment.


Key Accountabilities

The TriMetrix System begins with a list of "key accountabilities" of each targeted job. Key accountabilities are the critical goals and key business successes the job is accountable for producing. When defined, they serve as a reference point in producing the TriMetrixJob Report.

TriMetrix™ Job Report

The TriMetrix Job Report is a job benchmark. It provides a template for specific talent selection for the successful performance of that job. Based on a unique 37-factor analysis, the TriMetrix Job Report lists the job's requirements into three separate talent categories:


behavioral traits

job attributes.


Interviewers agree that the interview process is minimally effective at best. What is needed is an unbiased assessment that reveals people’s Values that motivate them to do a job, the Behaviors they will bring to the job, and whether they have the specific talents or Attributes needed for the job.


TriMetrix™ Personal Talent Report

The TriMetrix System's Personal Talent Report provides a summary of a person's talent to match the identical areas outlined in the TriMetrixJob Report. Within the framework of a company's overall selection and development processes, this report reveals the WHY (values), HOW (behaviors) and WHAT (attributes) an individual can contribute to a job. Each candidate is then presented in an unbiased, clear picture that allows for better screening and hiring decisions.




The right Talent in the right Job spells Success! The TriMetrix System enables companies to replace common biases often involved in the selection process with factual data based on Job Requirements.

The TriMetrix Job/Talent Comparison Report gives you the flexibility to compare an individual or multiple candidates to a job.

TriMetrix™ Job/ Talent Comparison Report for multiple candidates



Based on the results of an individual's TriMetrix™ System Talent Report the new TriMetrix™ System Coaching Reports provide a comprehensive and flexible tool to help you coach, motivate and manage your people. The report provides insight to three distinct areas: Behaviors, Motivators and Attributes. By helping each person understand his or her strengths and weaknesses in each of the three areas, the TriMetrix™ System Coaching Reports will lead to personal and professional development and higher levels of satisfaction in their job.

Applications for TriMetrix in YOUR Business

The TriMetrix™System has been developed for a multitude of business applications, including:

Job Benchmarking

Talent Selection

Employee Coaching

Employee Development

Performance Appraisals

Succession Planning

Organization Development  

hat can TriMetrix do for YOU?  

Begin today with a review of how the TriMetrix™ System can contribute to the successful application of TALENT within your organization — and lay the foundation for organization's success!

To see another example of how the TriMetrix™ System skyrocketed Dealer Excellence and CSI ratings while assisting a 96% profitability increase, click here!

Sample TriMetrix™ System Reports

Click on the links below to view sample reports in .

Multiple Respondents Benchmarking a Job based on Key Accountabilities:

TriMetrix™ System Multiple Respondent Job Report 


TriMetrix Job Report after Benchmarking is completed:

TriMetrix™ System Job Report


TriMetrix Talent Report:

TriMetrix™ Talent Report


TriMetrix Comparison Report:

TriMetrix™ Job/ Talent Comparison Report


TriMetrix System Personalized Development Plan:

TriMetrix™ Personal Development Plan


TriMetrix System Coaching Report

This report reveals a comprehensive, three dimensional picture of an individual's talent potential. It gives you a clear blueprint of their behavioral style, their underlying motivators and their judgment patterns.

TriMetrix™ System Coaching Report - Executive

TriMetrix™ System Coaching Report - General

TriMetrix™ System Coaching Report - Sales



To discover more about how the TriMetrix System can help your organization, give us a call at 410-499-0516.

The TriMetrix™ System is a trademark of Performance Benchmarking, Inc.


Copyright © 2010, Catalyst Performance Systems. All rights reserved.

Catalyst Performance Systems  
   Phone: 410-499-0516

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